Childlike Wonder


A language-learning is full of discoveries. 

It is like a travel with a pen in your brain.

You write down new words and expressions derived from a new world. 

They sound unfamiliar to you 

and sometimes sound funny to you. 

You may feel clumsy to pronounce those words.

It is important to have more childlike wonder for a language-learning. 

When we were newly born, 

we used to discover something new every day 

meanwhile learning to speak and write words inspired by those discoveries on the notebook or walls or elsewhere. 

We are born to speak and write. 

We used to accept discoveries as they naturally are without being judgmental.

For some reason, 


we have been killing childlike wonder in the process of being an adult. 

As a result, most of us lost a natural sense of acceptance. 

In this context, we are likely to impose the standard derived from our mother tongue on new discoveries 

because our mother tongue is a foundation for being ourselves and it is our identity. 

We fear a change. 

There is nothing wrong with your fear.


learning another language means that 

you accept another separate foundation, which is independent from your mother tongue. 

Be open to new discoveries 

and try to accept them as they naturally are.

Thanks for reading,

Hilano Aquihisa


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