a Necessity
Language learners may not tend to make remarkable progress in the course of an input and output routine
because of the absence of proper feedback on language output.
It is crucial to incorporate the process of feedback after a language output.
The feedback helps you to review your previous output and improve it for the next output.
In the absence of feedback process, you may not be able to identify rooted causes that generate your errors and mistakes in output.
Hence, you may end up in making the same mistakes habitually.
Feedback process means that you analyze the result of a language
output then identify where you can improve your output for the next output,
which may require your own research or helps from a language teacher.
It is necessary to evaluate your output.
If you don’t, you are cook without tasting your own food.
If you think you succeeded in a language output, you can attempt to identify why you succeeded in it and apply the lesson learned to further outputs for the improvement.
If you failed in it, you can attempt to identify and analyze why you failed in it.
Subsequently, you may need to prepare countermeasures in order to not let it happen again.
The input-output routine ought to entail feedback process, which enables language-learners to advance rapidly and avoid repeating the same mistakes.
is essential not only to perform a language output but also to pay attention to
what you spoke and wrote in practice and further review, analyze and reflect on
the outcome.
Thanks for reading,
Hilano Aquihisa
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