



.Hi I am Hilano Aquihisa

!This is my first blog post 




I am very excited to announce my new project to share my knowledge and connect with people who share a common interest!

My main interest is to 

Empower Language Learners Not to Stop a Language-Learning.

The empowerment is crucial because it is easier to give up anything than keep it going! 

If you start something, you need to invest your time and energy so that stop doing is always easier than continue doing. In that context, you need to keep on generating time and energy to keep it going!

On the top of it, starting is easier than keep it going because we start something with a certain motivation. However, in the long run, we are likely to get bored in the shadow of a routine because a language-learning requires repetitive actions until you make it right. 

Not only one time you make it right but you need to make it right constantly until you can replicate it habitually without so much efforts. It will result in draining you. 

Eventually, you do not see any progress and you are likely to consider yourself the one who is not good at speaking a foreign language. 

I tell you that that is not true. 

A language-learning is the easiest subject of all because you already speak your mother tongue! 

That is a direct evidence for yourself, which proves that you have a capacity to learn to speak a language.

In this blog,

I would like to share with you insights and principles in order for us not to give up a language-learning

because I believe that this is, in depth, the main reason why we do not speak a language eventually even though we once spent so much time on it before.

It is true that we are rarely taught about how to learn a foreign language effectively in practice.



We learn a lot about a language itself such as grammar, words by reading textbooks 

but we do not know much about how to be able to speak and write with a language and a language-learning by nature.

Therefore, it is important to have correct knowledge about the nature of a language-learning and its process. In doing so, we can reduce the risks of giving up a language-learning.

If you start to learn a language and if you do not speak that language now, you may have given it up before. 

It is the same with me. I started learning French then I stopped learning it. So I do not speak French yet because I stopped learning it.

I will share with you all a story about how not to give up a language-learning twice a month on this blog.

Please give me any comment on the post because I would like to learn more about a language-learning in depth like you.

Hope that you subscribe my blog and try to apply acquired knowledge to your language-learning! Keep it going!


Thank you,

Hilano Aquihisa


  1. I am a positive language learner, and I just never gave up. But positive attitude always brings disappointment. I fell down and get up everyday. I doubt my ability all the time. Perhaps I need to learn how to give up a little bit?

    1. Thank you very much for reading. I like that! You are right. We all have limits within our own ability. In doing so, when we reach our own limits, we need to stop it and take a rest to get up again. Refer to another article:

      Another thing is that, what you are doing now is actually the process of learning. Fall down, take a rest and get up again.

      The Japanese proverb "Nanakorobi Yaoki(七転び八起き)" literally means Fall down seven times, Stand up eight.

      I recommend that you embrace the process and take a rest well enough to stand up again.

      Hope that my sharings will help you.

      Hilano Aquihisa

  2. Thank you very much! 元気になってきました!


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